It’s time to change the way Oklahoma selects Supreme Court justices

Articles & Media

A project of the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs

Right now, Oklahoma uses a system designed by lawyers to choose our most important judges. No wonder those judges often do what the lawyers want (even if that’s not what the people of Oklahoma want)—such as allowing mask mandates, striking down pro-life laws, and gutting lawsuit reform. The current system is by lawyers, for lawyers. We need to replace it with a system that provides transparency and accountability—a way of choosing judges that serves the people, not just the lawyers. 

It’s time to amend the Oklahoma Constitution to eliminate the Judicial Nominating Commission (JNC) and replace it with the U.S. Constitution’s process of selecting Supreme Court justices—the Governor appoints, and the Legislature confirms or rejects. The Oklahoma Legislature must pass SJR 34 or similar legislation to send a proposed constitutional amendment to a vote of the people.

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Take Action

Contact your state legislators and ask them to pass SJR 34 or similar legislation to send a proposed constitutional amendment to a vote of the people.

Thinkin’ on Lincoln: “Legislators in black robes”